Friday, July 23, 2010


my heinous next door neighbors are having a pool party. first off, i'm not bitter about the lack of invitation. i've never spoken to them, i have no right to expect one. they're yelling and splashing and blasting kenny loggins, train, and rihanna, and it's quarter to one in the morning. this is not melrose fucking place. it's a quiet residential street, where many people get up at five am...and have not had the luxury of an uninterrupted afternoon nap. i am twenty eight years old, and i've had my share of raucous pool parties (thanks dad), but i manage to respect the surroundings.

"The Murtaugh List", a reference to the Roger Murtaugh character from the Lethal Weapon series, whose signature phrase is "I'm too old for this shit".

This. This. This. Lately this has been my mantra. I am so darned ready to call it a night when the clock strikes twelve (some nights ten). I honestly thought I would have had a different life, and been a different person at age 28. Years ago I believed I'd have a husband, a child, a home, and a digital cable system of my very own at this age. I would have had left my children with a bookish high school student so that husband and I could have a quiet dinner and peruse of a bookstore, and return with my liquor cabinet unraided, the children snoring quietly. The basset hound, James Brolin, happily ripping apart the slip cover on the couch.

I moved back home with my mom to save for said house. I have an obese cat named Boo Radley, that craves attention like a child would. Things have manifested themselves in unusual ways. Ways 10-13 year old me would have gasped in horror at, screaming at me that I should have continued dating my ninth grade boyfriend. He was such a nice guy the voice squawks, HE LIKED JAZZ! He knew how to use cutlery properly, was not a former addict, AND RESPECTED HIS MOTHER. I know I made the right choice, as I found spending time with him comparable to talking to my math teacher, but yes, he was a great guy. If I had stayed with him, who knows, I could have all of the typical grown up accouterments, but they wouldn't be honest. I would feel like I was playing the part of happy housewife. And if I was playing the part, I wouldn't truly be happy. With this butterfly effect style of thought, I could end up stashing mommy's little helpers in childproof containers all over the house. I could also end up cavorting with Phillippe, the cashier at Whole Foods. Good thing really, Whole Foods employees can be pretentious assholes, and I've never been one to self medicate.

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