Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sun, Apr. 4th, 2010, 11:47 pm[protected]

on long weekends i try to stay up as late as possible, to not waste a moment of being up late on a sunday night. like a kid on a friday or saturday night, trying to suck as much enjoyment out of the night. this does not work for many reasons, the biggest of all is the simple fact that sunday evenings are boring. people are at family gatherings (or have found something fun to do and not invited me). nothing good is on television. i am going to stand my ground and not watch jesus christ superstar. so far i've spent my spicy sunday evening listening to brenda lee and clipping my toenails. i have not achieved my goal.

i really would be better off in bed, dreaming of much better senerios. last night i dreamt that i went on chat roulette and i bleeped a kazoo whenever someone would attempt to take his junk out. "uhh uh, no you don't. you put that back or you'll get more kazoo music". like a kazoo will really deter someone that wants to get his jollies you say, to that i reply...YOU HAVEN'T HEARD ME PLAY THE KAZOO. my kazoo prowess, or lack thereof, can put a damper on every evening and activity. a neighbours birthday turned into a violent free for all after i debuted my latest ditty, my touching rendition of taps at a war veterans gravesite unleashed a swarm of bloodthirsty zombies ready to attack. i am available for weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs.

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