Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sun, Aug. 15th, 2010, 07:30 pm [protected]
baby you can drive my karma

i saw inception with ma last night. not at all confusing. i found it movie industry incestuous though as

lukas haas is one of leo dicaprio's best friends
lukas haas was in brick with joseph gordon levitt
joseph gordon levitt is rumored to be the riddler in the next batman installation, directed by christopher nolan.

the mother was having none of my theories though, she was all "it's 1am and i'm tired. i should remember this next time we see a late movie, and you have laundry to bring up from downstairs tomorrow..."

today i saw scott pilgrim vs the world and loved it. loved seeing my old hood and all the places i would spend my money. oh beloved sonic boom. oh handsome sonic boom employee that looks like his glorious brown hair has never ever seen a hairbrush. i also appreciated seeing mark webber in this. designated dave from one of my secret shame movies. secret shame movies are important. they're alot like that really ugly/awkward/socially inept person you used to date. together alone, everything was hunky dory. in front of a group of friends or in public it was different. you'd drop their hand and inch away ever so slowly. i am ashamed that i have done this in the past, along with having had it done to me. it's funny in a sad way that these man versions of secret shame movies are now in committed stable relationships. good for them, really and truly. if i never find anyone, i'll come to peace with that. i'll adopt a few hip cambodian children with bowl haircuts and enroll them in private school. we'll take exotic family vacations every year. or i could go to a sperm donor. then once the child is old enough i'll make up lies about who their father is.

"he was a one night stand"
"he was that mass murderer that was caught at a truck stop outside of texas last month. you totally have his eyes"
"your father is jack nicholson"
"my father is also jack nicholson. you're my sister, you're my daughter"
"your father is the cnn weatherman"
"your father is away on a business trip, to return shortly"

i saw my lovely friends this weekend also. miss j smith and miss sarah and miss alyssa. books and movies and coffee and coffee. i love my lady bonding, it makes me feel sane.

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