Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sun, Jul. 25th, 2010, 01:15 am[protected]

after the golf tournament on monday, linda gave my sister and i two cases of jergens moisturizer. i made a well received comment about silence of the lambs.

my great uncle keeps trying to add me on facebook. i keep rejecting his requests.

my mom is coming dancing at the boat on august 7th. mark your calendars. buy her a rye and coke and she'll dance like a maniac.

let's go to chicago.

let's go to milwakee.

let's go to paris, ontario.

let's go to anchorage, alaska.

i have a headache, my hair is greasy, and i'm too tired to wash it. one day when i'm very famous, i'll have a minion that will wash my hair for me. that's always the best part of getting your hair cut. the washes. i'll have sarah on retainer. then the tiredness and laziness will grow so powerful i'll end up like howard hughes. then i'll be able to scratch my own back without having to pester anyone, because my fingernails will be so long.

my grandma wrote diaries, in one she writes "on my date with don last night, i felt like i was auditioning for the role of wife". i guess she had a good audition.

my other favourite don and betty back in less than 24 hours.

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